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Martha Golea

2024 Social Impact Recap

2024 was a big year for Team Comfort! We officially named and launched our mission: Restoring Comfort, Building Community. With that came plenty of lessons and challenges of growing our social impact in a consistent, sustainable manner.

Our goal is to put our money where our hearts are, by investing labor and profits every month into projects that help provide resources to our local and global neighbors in need. Because the safety and comfort of home is such an essential part of a healthy community, we focus on sharing our construction skills as often as possible.

Social Impact Timeline


We started our focus in May with the Spring City Serve through COS I Love You. The purpose of City Serve is to unite thousands of volunteers across our city to help "schools, parks, local non-profit organizations, and neighborhoods, serving some of the most prominent needs in our city."

From the dozens of project options, our team narrowed them down and voted on one that was dear to our hearts: Safe Passage, a child advocacy organization that helps children and families undergoing abuse investigations. Our team worked together to gut and organize their storage room, build storage shelves, and build a picnic table for staff and law enforcement officers to enjoy outside.


In June we got the opportunity to help a former Colorado Springs police officer who is fighting cancer alone. Her home was at risk of losing insurance coverage because the yard was so overgrown and full of clutter. So Team Comfort banded together and spent several days removing trash and debris and hauling away the mess. You can read the complete story in another blog post.


fluffy white and brown dog looks directly into camera in front of a man painting a porch

We launched our Restoring Comfort program in June, on a Loving Living Local interview, and asked viewers to nominate a veteran neighbor in need of essential home repairs. Colorado Springs neighbors stepped up, flooding us with dozens of nominations in our first month!

Click here to watch the video of owner Karl Honsalek introducing Restoring Comfort on Fox21's morning show.

Our very first Restoring Comfort recipient was a veteran family in the Widefield area. You can read the complete story of this project in our blog post.


In August we had the opportunity to do a large-scale contract for Restoration Anglican Church, an organization that is doing amazing work in the community. This inspired us to create another new option for our social impact menu: partnership.

For this project we performed our services at a drastically reduced rate, but we also brought in the entire Team Comfort to paint a wing of their building, and we donated all of the labor and supplies.


Our second Restoring Company project was nominated by a former customer of ours. We had the opportunity to improve the safety and comfort of home for a neighbor dealing with Multiple Sclerosis.

This young family had purchased their split level home shortly before the father began experiencing symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. His condition eventually made it very difficult to navigate around the house, due to steep stairs and a variety of flooring materials. We donated materials and labor to replace the flooring in the stairway and main level of their home, to eliminate slippery surfaces and dangerous transitions. The homeowner appreciates how much easier it is to maintain his independence and help with his family thanks to the new flooring.


Fall City Serve day introduced Team Comfort to yet one more local organization doing great work for our community: KPC Family Resource Center provides childcare to families during times of crisis and we were able to support them by cleaning up the landscape around their outdoor play area.

It was a beautiful sunny day of raking, pulling weeds, and blowing leaves. KPC has a wonderful outdoor play area and for our December project we plan to help create a fun indoor space for kids to play in cold weather.


With November being one of our busiest months of the year, we put our office staff to work on our project for the month: packing shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child. We had a blast working together to shop and pack gifts for 20 children.

Check back regularly for updates on new projects, open nominations for Restoring Comfort, and more blog posts about how our social impact is growing!

We couldn't do this without the support of our neighbors. If you've enjoyed this post and would like to help us grow our impact in Colorado Springs, please leave us a Google review! Positive reviews help more people find us, and as we always say: "The more good work we do for our customers, the more good work we can do in our community!"

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